Saturday, May 26, 2012

Instant Pancake

This is my favorite breakfast dish at the moment: pancake with banana, flax seeds and just a tiny bit of maple syrup. I even make it on weekdays because it doesn´t take longer to prepare than a scrambled egg!

Recipe: Preheat a small cast iron pan slowly to medium heat. In a bowl, mix together two large eggs, 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon almond meal (I use a fork for this - it doesn´t need to be perfect!). When the pan is warm, add gee and let it melt. Add the dough and cook for about 5 minutes - the pancake should be 2/3 cooked through before you flip it, little bubbles will form on the surface. Flip the pancake and cook for another 3-4 minutes. In the meantime, slice a banana (or any other fruit) and prepare your tea. Assemble pancake and banana on a plate, add one tablespoon flaxseeds and maple syrup to taste. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Greetings From Vienna

The label on this snack bag made me smile - the last line says: "too noisy for the opera"  :-)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Biker Style Cardigan

Remember this cardigan? I hardly ever wore it, maybe two or three times. I still like this style on others but it doesn´t work for me. I finally unraveled it, washed the yarn and knit it up anew (top down raglan style). I originally planned to close it with a huge safety pin and wear it like this grey cardigan, but then I started experimenting with the zipper and liked it better that way. I stabilized the right front edge with two rows of crochet stitches and sewed a cotton ribbon on the back of the left zipper. The zipper was sewed in entirely by machine.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Red Beet Chocolate Brownies

Flourless (glutenfree), very dense and moist and very very good!
I used a Bauman College recipe that is not published online, but I am sure you will get similar results using this recipe. Just add 200g melted dark chocolate (70%) and reduce the amount of sweetener to 1/4 cup. Yum!! 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Black Shirt: Burda 2004-5 (111)

This shirt was one reason why I bought this Burda issue in spring 2004, and still it took me eight years to sew it! It took me so long because, after a closer look, I found that the neckline was too high for my taste. Finally, in spring 2012, I traced the pattern and lowered the front seam 7cm (cut off 7 cm of the lower front bodice, added 7cm to the upper front bodice and draw a new neckline that is 7cm deeper, too). I made this wearable muslin from black knit remnants. The result is a simple v-neck shirt... I am a bit diappointed by the small size of the knot. But the knit I used is really thin, so hopefully, with a more substantial fabric this issue will be solved.